About Me

Hello! My name is Ele, but I also go by Kai and various other nicknames. I'm independently learning 3D modeling as I have always wanted to bring my creations and others into the real world. Jurassic Park was my first love of the technology (and dinosaurs, of course), and when I saw how far modeling technology and 3D animation has come when I saw Smaug in The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, I was determined to learn the 3D programs I could get my hands on (why are most of them so expensive?!). I am learning Nomad Sculpt on the Ipad as well as Blender, since Nomad is a one time expense (it's like, $20 USD), and Blender is free. I'm learning Nomad from DrugFreeDave, Blender from Blender Guru, and others on Skillshare and YouTube. I welcome you to join me on this journey so that we can learn together, teach each other, print awesome creatures, and have loads of fun while we do it!